
A brief introduction to my servers and their purpose. The heart of my digital playground and school house.


I have been working on, tinkering with, and developing my tech skills though various projects in my homelab. Their hardware isn't all that impressive, they're all retired gaming computers I have collected and repurposed for improving my skills. A brief overview of the servers I use and their purpose

Neuromancer(Proxmox 8.0.4): I house most of my "production" virtual machines here. They serve many purposes from docker containers to hosting Wazuh and a honeypot.

WORP(Proxmox 8.0.4): Here is the home of my intentionally vulnerable machines. I spin up specifically vulnerable ISO's and older versions of operating systems to practice both red team and blue team activities. A typical lifecycle for a VM on WORP involves reviewing CVEs, install vulnerable systems, attack that system, then review the logs generated in Suricata through Wazuh.

JackTheRipper(FreeNas TrueNAS-SCALE- When my dvd player finally died, instead of replacing it I decided to move all my movies to local storage for easier access. I installed followed along with a project on GitHub, the "Automated Ripping Machine". From there I realized I had more storage space than movies, and decided to incorporate NAS functionality to my media server.

THAC0(RaspberryPi Kubernetes Swarm): Learning docker, although I'm still a bit of a script kiddie, was eye opening. Knowing I wanted to learn more about the cloud and how it all works, I expanded my study of docker to include kubernetes and wanted a "mini cloud" in my rack. This has allowed me a deeper look at the intricacies of cloud deployments and get a better understanding of how containers are brought up, down, and replicated.